Thursday, October 6, 2011

SYN - med edition

The first topic covered by SYN for its participation to XV Biennale de la Mediterranée (Thessalonikki, Greece) is 

Mediterranean Symbiosis

Symbiosis is relationship among beings, an interaction  that can have both positive and negative impacts on them: aggregation, but also conflicts and instability; common projects and memories, as well barriers and distances.

SYN collects feeds with opinions, news, information on mediterranean finance, politics, society, culture among hundreds of specialized blogs and web community pages. 
The installation can be activated by a feed describing a new  Lebanese recipe or another one updating on the number of deaths in the Strait of a feed reviewing a flamenco show in Granada or another one reporting a new clash in Libya.
This is Mediterranean, this is Symbiosis, for better or for worse.
What is Mediterranean for you?


  1. Le héros enchaîné maintient dans la foudre et le tonnerre divins sa foi tranquille en l'homme. C'est ainsi qu'il est plus dur que son rocher et plus patient que son vautour. Mieux que la révolte contre les dieux, c'est cette longue obstination qui a du sens pour nous. Et cette admirable volonté de ne rien séparer ni exclure qui a toujours réconcilié et réconciliera encore le coeur douloureux des hommes et les printemps du monde.

    Camus,"Prométhée aux Enfers", 1946 (L'Eté)

  2. But we are all swimming in those waters, Westerners and Muslims and others alike. And since the waters are part of the ocean of history, trying to plow or divide them with barriers is futile. These are tense times, but it is better to think in terms of powerful and powerless communities, the secular politics of reason and injustice, than to wander off in search of vast abstractions that may give momentary satisfaction but little self-knowledge or informed analysis. "The Clash of Civilizations" thesis is a gimmick like "The War of the Worlds," better for reinforcing defensive self-pride than for critical understanding of the bewildering interdependence of our time.

    Edward Said "The Clash of Ignorance" (Oct. 2001)

  3. Per il Mediterraneo soffia un vento. Un vento che soffia sulle coste, avvolge le isole, spesso si spinge verso l'entroterra. Un vento carico di rabbia e rancori, grinta e passione, flagranze di cumino e caffè, sangue e sudore, echi di lingue diverse, musiche antiche.
    Questo vento unisce noi, popoli mediterranei.

  4. Mediterranean is a wonderful sea, a border among different countries, a meltinpot of cultures.

  5. "we are all unique as we desperately are the same"- mediterranean doesnt divide us,only connects us, this is symbiosis!
    amazing piece of work! well done to mariano and the team!

  6. Mediterranean is hand gestures, loud voices, open emotions, pride, exaggeration, passionate eating/loving/living in the moment!

  7. greetings from thessaloniki!

  8. congrats from Greece !!!

  9. we are all civils of the same beutiful and merciless world.let's get the most best of it all together!SYMBIOSIS 2011 Thessaloniki, Greece
